Seafood processing dominates domestic business rankings

(VOV) - The seafood sector tops the list of 500 businesses with the fastest growth rates for the 2009-2012 period (FAST 500), followed by construction, construction materials and real estate, Vietnam Report announced on April 4.

The report said that the FAST 500 in 2013 had the lowest average compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) in the past few years.

An average CAGR of FAST 500 was 44.7% in the 2009-12 period, much lower than 62.2% in the 2008-11 period.

Average CAGR of top five FAST businesses in 2013 grew by 158%, much lower than the previous year’s figure of 374%, reflecting the long-term impact of the global economic downturn on most countries in the world, including Vietnam.

The food and drink sector had the highest number of businesses on the list, accounting for 18%, followed by the construction, construction materials and real estate sector (16%), mineral, petrol and oil (9%), finance (8%) and the chemical industry (7%).

However, in terms of CAGR, the seafood sector had the highest growth (over 65.1%), followed by construction, construction materials and real estate (59.2%) and transport (58.6%).

Regarding favourable conditions for business growth, Danang achieved the highest growth index (GI), then came Dong Thap and Long An.

Other top ten provinces and cities with the best GI included Binh Dinh, Hanoi, Thua Thien-Hue, Can Tho, Nghe An, Dak Lak and Dong Thap.

The report said that total property of listed businesses increased by more than 210% against a year earlier.

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