PM highlights big opportunities for Russian investors in Vietnam

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc received Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Konstantin Vnukov and Chairman of the Russian gas group Novatek Leonid Mikhelson in Hanoi on November 6.

The host leader emphasised that Vietnam and Russia are comprehensive strategic partners of each other, and cooperating with Russia is a long-term priority of Vietnam.

He held that bilateral cooperation has yet to match its potential, asking the Russian ambassador and Novatek to promote their role as a bridge for leading more Russian investors to Vietnam, not only in the energy industry but also many other sectors.

Many prestigious organisations in the world have forecast high economic growth and great energy demand in Vietnam, which will open up considerable opportunities for investors from Russia and other countries, the PM noted.

He highly valued Novatek’s capacity and experience in the energy sector, saying that if they are determined, the company and its partners will reap success in Vietnam.

At the meeting, Ambassador Vnukov offered condolences to the Vietnamese Government and people on the heavy losses caused by recent storms and flooding in the central region.

He said he will coordinate with his country’s leading enterprises to act as a bridge for Russian firms to come to do business and invest in the Southeast Asian nation.

Meanwhile, Novatek Chairman Mikhelson said Russian companies admire Vietnam for successfully containing COVID-19, which will consolidate their confidence in investing more in the country.

Russian enterprises boast strength in various areas, including energy, and wish to invest in Vietnam, he said, adding that as Vietnam has a dynamic and fast growing economy and has joined many new-generation free trade agreements, there is much investment room for them here.

Welcoming the ambassador and the chairman’s willingness to foster investment and business ties with Vietnam, PM Phuc stressed that the Government and relevant agencies of Vietnam always create optimal conditions for foreign investors, including those from Russia.

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