Kanchanaburi to register geographical indication of Thong Pha Phum Rambutan

Kanchanaburi province is seeking the geographical indication (GI) of rambutan from Thong Pha Phumdistrict, to promote and protect the province’s unique fruit.

Governor Jeerakiat Bhumsawat chaired a committee meeting to register the geographical indication (GI) of “Thong Pha Phum Rambutan.” The meeting agreed to draft an application to the Department of Intellectual Property and publicize the new registration. 

Registering the fruit will provide commercial benefits to producers by protecting the genuine fruit from false marketing, and establishing a standard of quality that adds value to the product. 

The Provincial Commerce Office has recently pushed for GI registration of the local fruit, which is categorized by its small size, small seeds and thin skin, but thick and sweet flesh.

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