Industry Ministry: EEC Act will boost investors’ confidence

The Thai Ministry of Industry believes the Eastern Economic Corridor Act which has been approved by the National Legislative Assembly will bolster investor confidence.

Industry Minister Uttama Saowanayon said that the EEC law will help influence decision making among Thai and foreign investors, expressing confidence that businesses will be attracted to the EEC zone, now that a law which was designed to ensure sustainable growth and development has been endorsed by the lawmakers. 

The law also stipulates compensation for local people who are affected by the EEC project. 

In March, Uttama said his ministry and related agencies will organize roadshows both in and outside Thailand in an attempt to attract investors to the area. 

An EEC policy committee will be appointed in 60 days. A secretary general of the EEC Office will be selected in 90 days. 

Members of the public can express any concerns or suggestions they may have in regard to the new law, at from now until February 16th, 2018.

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