Govt saves blue crab population

The government has successfully established 320 blue crab banks across Thailand in an effort to raise the number of blue crabs in the sea. 

Blue Crab Bank Committee Chairman Ms. Sukanya Theerakoonlert said today rising blue crab consumption in Thailand has led to a decline in their numbers in Thai waters. 

To restore the number of blue crabs in nature, the Fisheries Department, the National Research Council of Thailand and the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources are supporting the operation of blue crab banks and the establishment of new branches. 

There are currently 320 blue crab banks and 180 more will be set up in two years. Fishermen are asked to donate pregnant crabs they have caught to the bank, where baby blue crabs can survive and grow into adulthood. 

The Blue Crab Bank Committee is also inviting the general public to submit video clips about the blue crab bank to promote the crab population. 

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