Emirates seeks airport fee discount for new daily flight to Hanoi

Emirates, the world’s biggest long-haul airline, is asking for a 30% discount on the landing fee at Noi Bai International Airport when it begins a daily passenger service next month.

The Dubai-based carrier told the Ministry of Transport that its existing cargo service between Dubai and Hanoi would become a daily one which also carry passengers, and asked for a reduction in the landing and takeoff fees for the first year.

The Civil Aviation Administration of Vietnam has backed the request, saying the discount would encourage international airlines to fly to Vietnam, the Saigon Times reported.

Vietnam announced a similar incentive in 2013, halving the fees for international carriers flying to five smaller airports, Phu Bai, Cam Ranh, Lien Khuong in the central region, and Can Tho and Phu Quoc in the south, for the first three years.

But only Phu Quoc and Cam Ranh have seen an increase in international activities.

Emirates, which began to fly to Vietnam in 2012, now operates one passenger route to Ho Chi Minh City and one cargo-only service to Hanoi.

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Emirates Airlines to operate non-stop flight to Hanoi
Emirates Airlines to operate non-stop flight to Hanoi

Emirates Airlines, a leading carrier of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will launch daily flights connecting Dubai-Hanoi and Dubai-Yangon (Myanmar) from March 8th.

Emirates Airlines to operate non-stop flight to Hanoi

Emirates Airlines to operate non-stop flight to Hanoi

Emirates Airlines, a leading carrier of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will launch daily flights connecting Dubai-Hanoi and Dubai-Yangon (Myanmar) from March 8th.

Emirates Airline to open new route to Vietnam
Emirates Airline to open new route to Vietnam

VOV.VN - Emirates Airline says it will launch daily flights from Dubai to Hanoi, Vietnam and Yangon, Myanmar, starting August 3.

Emirates Airline to open new route to Vietnam

Emirates Airline to open new route to Vietnam

VOV.VN - Emirates Airline says it will launch daily flights from Dubai to Hanoi, Vietnam and Yangon, Myanmar, starting August 3.