Coal, hydro power to give way to renewables

Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) plans to mobilise 32 billion kWh of renewable energy, including 26.3 billion kWh of solar power, meaning the output of coal-fuelled and hydro-power plants will be reduced.

As of the end of April, 17,000 MW of solar power had been generated.

Nguyen Duc Ninh, Director of the National Power System Moderation Center (A0), said that thanks to the Government’s policy of prioritising renewable energy, especially solar power, the focus in recent years has changed towards reducing the generation of traditional electricity despite its low cost and stable quality.

Ninh said that, by 2025, EVN will cease importing electricity from China and reduce imports from Laos.

According to the EVN, however, the mobilisation at high levels of renewable energy at a common price of 9.35 per kWh will not optimise production costs and will create difficulties in operations due to the instability of such sources.

Reductions in thermal power generation will also cause economic losses, as investors have already signed power contracts with the State.

Nguyen Tien Thoa, former Director of Price Management under the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT), said that EVN should advise the ministry on mechanisms for power mobilisation with varying scenarios.

At a recent meeting on the planning of national power development in the 2021-2030 period and vision to 2045, Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh asked MoIT to gather ideas from ministries and sectors in the field.

EVN Deputy General Director Ngo Son Hai said it has proposed MoIT decide the percentage of solar power mobilised in the system to ensure safety in operations.

Economists Pham Chi Lan and Tran Dinh Thien also expressed concern about the mass transfer of solar power projects, saying that along with economic issues this may hit power security in the country as many projects are located in sensitive areas.

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Japan keen to fund US$1.8 bln coal-fired plant in Vietnam
Japan keen to fund US$1.8 bln coal-fired plant in Vietnam

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Japan keen to fund US$1.8 bln coal-fired plant in Vietnam

Japan keen to fund US$1.8 bln coal-fired plant in Vietnam

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Vietnam to increase imports of coal and gas

Vietnam to increase imports of coal and gas

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