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Submitted by unname1 on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 16:01
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) says the Republic of Korea (RoK) mistook "normal blasting" from a construction project for artillery shelling when it accused Pyongyang of opening fire near their disputed maritime line in the Yellow Sea.

The DPRK said Thursday the RoK was simply frightened by noise from nearby building efforts "aimed at improving the standard of people's living."

RoK defense officials say marines returned fire Wednesday after the DPRK launched artillery shells into waters near the disputed Northern Limit Line that separates the countries.

The DPRK says in a statement released by the official Korean Central News Agency that it's "preposterous in the age of science when latest detecting and intelligence means are available that they mistook the blasting for shelling."


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