Sound policy needs prompt action
Public opinion has approved the recent instructions of the Government and the Prime Minister on enhancing the effective use of public asset, responding to the marine environmental incidents and floods in the central region, and preventing fires in high risk areas.
It can be said that under the motto “Acting, Facilitating, Serving and Integrity”, the PM and other Cabinet members have did as they promised in many specific cases, with the aim of pushing for strong movements in the apparatus from central to local levels and building an administration really “of the people, by the people and for the people”.
The public remembers the detailed and strict orders of the PM, deputy prime ministers and other Cabinet members in addressing arising problems and obstacles that have negative impacts on the investment and business climates or people’s life.
The Government’s high sense of responsibility towards the people is clearly demonstrated in the presence on the spot of the deputy PMs and Cabinet members to guide the handling of difficulties facing local communities in such situations as storms and floods, and the marine environmental incident in the central region.
As such, the people will always trust the leadership and management of the Government and the Prime Minister.
However, the public is not really satisfied with the work of the administrations and agencies in certain regions. There remain many problems that have not been seriously dealt with, ranging from land disputes to personnel work. Such situations are out of tune with the motto “a Government of service, growth building and integrity”.
At a recent debate on the implementation of the socio-economic development plan for 2016 at the National Assembly, many deputies voiced the opinion that while the Government is resolved to change, the apparatus at lower levels is yet to move accordingly, with a segment of public workers showing poor performance, which the deputies described as major hindrances.
The lawmakers said while the Government and PM have made strong policies, the question is to push the real movement of the apparatus.
“The carpet has been rolled out, but the nails underneath have not been removed”, some deputies said on the situation.