Preparations for 12th Party Congress on schedule

Preparations for the 12th National Party Congress have been basically completed to date, said Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Le Hong Anh.

At the fifth session of the organisation subcommittee for the congress held in Hanoi on January 5, he urged relevant agencies and units to promptly review their assigned tasks in order to make the event a success.

A rehearsal will be held before the congress takes place in Hanoi on January 20-28 with the participation of over 1,500 delegates representing more than 4.5 million members of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

The 12th National Party Congress aims to strengthen the building of the strong and transparent Party and promote the great national unity and socialist democracy.

It also looks to push the “Doi Moi” reform ahead in an inclusive and synchronous manner while securing national defence and peaceful environment and developing Vietnam into a modern industrialised society.
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