Party leader officially recommended for presidential post

VOV.VN - On October 22 afternoon, National Assembly (NA) Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, on behalf of the NA Standing Committee, presented a report on personnel work for the legislature to elect a new President.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and NA deputies at the sixth session of the ongoing 14th legislature, opened in Hanoi on October 22.
Accordingly, the National Assembly officially recommended Party General Secretary  Nguyen Phu Trong, a 14th NA deputy, and a member of the NA delegation of Hanoi for election to the post of President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for the 2016-2021 tenure.

The top legislator emphasized that competent agencies have carried out necessary procedures in accordance with regulations on personnel work with a view to ensuring the leadership of the Party and promoting democracy in NA activities. Ngan also asked NA deputies to thoroughly study the report on personnel work so that good results are achievable.

This content will be debated in group by NA deputies on the morning of October 23 and the NA Standing Committee will report the outcome of discussions to NA delegations, explain and get opinions from deputies on personnel plan for election to the post of President.

The legislature will discuss and vote to approve a list for presidential post based on an electronic voting system, and conduct the presidential election by secret ballot. The vote counting results will be announced in the afternoon the same day.

As a rule, after being elected, the President will swear an oath and deliver a speech to the NA. The swearing-in ceremony will be live broadcast on national television and radio.

As reported earlier, all members of the 8th session of the 12th Party Central Committee reached a consensus on the nomination of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong as a candidate for the post of President, set to be elected at the 14th legislature’s 6th session.

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