NA passes law on meteorology, hydrology

National Assembly deputies passed the draft Law on Meteorology and Hydrology with 83% approval during their plenary session in Hanoi on November 23. 

With 10 chapters and 57 articles, the law stipulates the management of hydrological stations; forecasting; climate change monitoring; and the rights, responsibilities and duties of individuals and organisations in the field. 

Fourteen behaviours banned in hydrological activities were also mentioned in the law. 

In the afternoon, lawmakers discussed the Law on Signing, Joining and Implementing International Treaties. 

They stressed the need to amend the law, given that Vietnam is strengthening external relations and signing more international agreements. 

The law needs to be aligned with the 2013 Constitution, they said. 

Several opinions called for specifying the responsibilities of the National Assembly, State President and government to adopt international treaties and devise action plans. 

Some suggested clearer regulations on streamlined procedures in negotiating, signing, amending and extending international treaties.
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