Cabinet members gather for regular meeting

VOV.VN - Cabinet members have heard a report by the Ministry of Justice on the implementation of the government’s legislative program and the issuance of laws and policies in the second quarter of the year.

At a government monthly meeting in Hanoi on June 30, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc asked ministries to complete pending documents and regulations for prompt issuance.

“All documents should be completed and issued in time and their quality should be ensured. New thinking should be applied in guiding documents, which will contribute to administrative reforms and create a favorable business environment. Experts have been invited to help complete pending documents, which have been publicized for public comment,” he said.

Until the end of this year, 114 documents are set to be issued to detail underway laws and laws that will come into force on July 1, together with 81 documents guiding the implementation of 12 laws that take effect after July 1. 

Cabinet members discussed the revised railway law, revisions to the law on technology transfer, and the draft law on the management and use of state property. 

An online conference on socio-economic development was also held during which Prime Minister Phuc called for solutions to achieve the 6.7% growth target set by the National Assembly. 

He said that the government has issued many decrees toward improving the business and investment environment and supporting businesses so localities should review their implementation, which will contribute significantly to boosting economic growth.    

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