President: Vietnam hopes to conclude TPP soon

President Truong Tan Sang has told US Trade Representative Michael B. G. Froman that Vietnam will exert every effort to push up the signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that involves both Vietnam and the US .

During their meeting in Hanoi on December 2, the State leader said the TPP plays an important role in the external strategies of both countries, opening up new cooperation prospects for both sides.

He highly valued the coordination between Vietnam and the US during the negotiation process.

The President expressed his belief that with the efforts of leaders of both sides, all obstacles in the negotiations will be removed.

The TPP is the continuation of bilateral cooperation between Vietnam and the US , matching their comprehensive strategic partnership, he added.

In reply, Froman briefed his host on the outcomes of his working sessions with Vietnamese ministries and sectors.

He said the TPP is of strategic importance to the US in Asia-Pacific, which benefits all engaged parties.

Through the deal, Vietnam will enjoy more favourable conditions to further its regional economic integration, he said.

The US official also said he hopes the TPP negotiations will conclude soon with the best success.
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