Deputy PM extolls Vietnam- Bangladesh economic cooperation

(VOV) - Deputy Prime Minster cum Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh has praised expanded economic cooperation and robust growth in bilateral trade between Vietnam and Bangladesh.

At a July 15 reception for Bangladeshi Ambassador Md. Shahab Ullah in Hanoi upon assuming his new tasks in Vietnam, Minh said Vietnam attaches high importance to developing the time-tested friendship with Bangladesh as well as with traditional Southeast Asian nations.

He also praised Bangladesh for stepping up cooperation with Southeast Asian countries, including Vietnam.

Over recent years, bilateral trade volume has increased from US$93 million in 2009 to US$710 million in 2014. Defence and security cooperation has made remarkable progress.

FM Minh suggested the two sides fully and effectively implement signed agreements and the results achieved during the Vietnam visit by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in November 2012, and exploit the potential of bilateral cooperation in economics, trade, investment, education and technology.

Bangladesh hails Vietnam’s tremendous achievements in socio-economic development and its role and position in the region and is desirous of bolstering cooperation with Vietnam in the areas of its strength such as agriculture, aquaculture seafood processing, cement production, engineering and garments and textiles, the Bangladeshi diplomat said.

He also underlined the need for both nations to maintain cooperation and provide mutual support at international and UN forums.

The two sides agreed to work together on preparations for the Vietnam visit by Bangladeshi President Abdul Hamid at the invitation of his Vietnamese counterpart Truong Tan Sang.

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