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Submitted by ctv_en_6 on Fri, 08/28/2009 - 10:36
An exhibition entitled “Handmade and Primitive Weapons - the Unique Military Cultural Heritage of Vietnam” will open at the Vietnam Military History Museum (VMHM) in Hanoi on September 1.

As an activity to mark the 64th anniversary of the country’s National Day and the 65th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army, the exhibition will display 716 handmade and primitive weapons that were used in Vietnam ’s wars against foreign aggressors.

Speaking at a press conference in Hanoi on August 27, VMHM Director Major-General Le Ma Luong said that Vietnam’s handmade and primitive weapons are not only evidence of the Vietnamese army and people’s strong determination, intelligence and creativity but also reflect the country’s unique military policies and arts.

Through the exhibition, visitors will understand more about the role of handmade and primitive weapons in the nation’s struggle against foreign aggressors, he added.

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