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Submitted by ctv_en_3 on Tue, 04/25/2006 - 08:10
Delegates at the 10th National Party Congress on April 24 discussed a wide range of issues, including debate on preventing and fighting corruption and Party members' involvement in private businesses.

Nguyen Van An, on behalf of the Presidium of the Congress, presided over the meeting at the conference hall. Nguyen Phu Trong, on behalf of the Presidium, delivered a report on delegates' opinions about documents tabled during the Congress that feature proposed amendments on 16 issues, including the working agenda of the Congress; dangers and risks; the agreed GDP growth rates of 7.5 percent, 8 percent and more than 8 percent; the socialist-oriented market economy; social matters; development of economic sectors including the State-controlled economy, collective economy, private economy, State capitalist economy and foreign-invested economy; the on-going process of industrialisation and modernisation; promoting democracy, continuing to build the socialist State governed by law; preventing and combating corruption; organisation of the political system; the nature of the Party and the interpretation of the Party's nature – affirming that the Party is the vanguard of the working class; Party members' involvement in private businesses; and the report on reviewing directions by the Ninth Party Central Committee.


Fighting corruption

According to Nguyen Phu Trong, many delegates said that fighting corruption and negative phenomena is vital for the Party, with delegates proposing the 10th Party Central Committee pass a resolution on the matter. Delegates said embezzlement existed not only in the recently detected case of Project Management Unit 18 (PMU18), but also in other areas. To date, corruption has taken place in many branches and sectors, including law enforcement agencies. The PMU 18 case shows the phenomena of degradation among a number of Party members and highlights the shortcomings and weaknesses of management work, and the Party's policy and combative capacity.

Mr Trong stressed that the 10th National Party Congress is determined to fight corruption and create the chance for a new change. The members of the 10th Party Central Committee will be leaders in the fight against corruption.

Mr Trong said most delegates agreed on the move to allow Party members to be involved in private business, arguing that Party members are citizens and should not have their activities restricted as long as they comply with State laws.

Several delegates, however, expressed their concern, describing the move as encouraging exploitation of labour. They said that the PCC should be very clear in its theory on the issue, as various localities find guideline explanations confusing.

Mr Trong emphasised the Presidium's viewpoint that Party members' involvement in private business is an important issue related to Party lines set out several yeas ago. Party members make money for themselves and their families with legal work and thus contribute to the society's wealth. Many recent comments from organisations and individuals have lauded the move, considering it as an important step forward in consciousness after 20 years of renewal. Therefore, Party members are allowed to be involved in private business on the basis of ensuring they seriously observe the State's laws and policies, the Party Statutes and common regulations and conditions.

Mr Trong said it is important to highlight the Presidium's views that Party members are required not only to practice as ordinary businesspeople but also to act in line with Party members' general tasks and responsibilities. Regulations on Party members' involvement in private business will be enacted by the 10th PCC. Subsequently, delegates voted on some issues related to the contents of Congressional documents.


VFF issues resolution on implementation of Anti-corruption Law

The Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) held a press briefing in Hanoi on April 24 to introduce its resolution on implementation of the Anti-corruption Law and the Law on Thrift Practice and Waste Elimination and a resolution of the Government and the VFF on supervising Party members and officials at residential areas.

At the press briefing, VFF president Pham The Duyet announced that the National Assembly approved the Anti-corruption Law and the Law on Thrift Practice and Waste Elimination and the VFF issued resolution on implementation of the two laws with the following major contents: The VFF encourages all citizens to push up production and develop economy to eliminate poverty; together with the State, VFF will protect the rights of citizens and propose the Government issue necessary policies and solutions aimed at preventing those holding high positions from becoming corrupt, and quickly carry out administration and judiciary reform. VFF committees at all levels and its members have to strictly implement such policies and legal requirements, regularly check the operation of businesses, economic units, funds and projects under their management so as to avoid corruption and wastefulness, as well as strictly implement the VFF resolutions on supervising Party members and officials in residential areas.

Mr Duyet said the VFF will initially inquire into Party members’ activities in residential areas in the five localities of Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Ninh Binh, Quang Binh and Tien Giang.



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