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Submitted by unname1 on Tue, 07/26/2011 - 16:25
All Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) who took part in local elections on Sunday voted for state-selected candidates and turnout was 99.97 percent, state media said Tuesday.

A total of 28,116 representatives were elected as deputies to assemblies at provincial, city and county level with not a single vote of opposition to the candidates, the Korean Central News Agency said.

"Only those on foreign tours or working on the oceans could not take part in the election," KCNA said.

It said the election "demonstrated the might of the single-minded unity of the revolutionary ranks and advantages of Korean-style socialism".

Leader Kim Jong-Il himself made an appearance at a polling station on Sunday to cast his vote, along with his son Jong-Un.

During each four-year term, the local assemblies convene once or twice a year to approve.

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