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4 years 9 months
Submitted by ctv_en_4 on Thu, 03/29/2007 - 00:05
Deputies of the National Assembly (NA) on March 29 discussed Government reports on the implementation of the Law on Corruption Prevention and Control and the Law on Thrift Practice and Wastefulness Prevention. These pressing issues raise public concerns and are reported annually by the Government at NA sessions.

This is the second time the legislature has discussed the implementation of the two laws since they came into effect. Voters across the country are looking forward to hearing opinions and recommendations by their representatives in the most powerful State body in the hope of effectively curbing corruption and wastefulness, which today are both rampant and sophisticated. The majority of people and voters require the legislative body to show its determination to fight these negative phenomena and further perfect the legal framework to assist the fight.

In fact, people and voters nationwide have given opinions on these two important laws since they became effective. Before and after the laws were promulgated, the Government, agencies and mass organisations launched propaganda campaigns and devised their action programmes. These efforts have paid off, helping create positive changes in the fight against corruption and wastefulness in recent times. Many big corruption cases have been detected and strictly dealt with, helping consolidate people’s trust in the Party and State.   

According to the Ministry of Finance’s report, Vietnam saved more than VND266 billion from the State budget in 2006 thanks to the strict implementation of the Law on Thrift Practice and Wastefulness Prevention. In capital construction investment management, functional agencies took back nearly VND290 billion from investment projects after re-appraising their final accounts. Particularly, the temporary halt to the purchase of new cars, which took effect in the middle of 2006, has helped stop localities and sectors from refurbishing their cars wastefully. 

However, people and voters are not satisfied because there are no signs of reduction in the number of corruption cases in ministries, sectors and localities which were mostly detected by people and the media.

According to the Government’s General Inspectorate, all ministries, sectors and localities submitted their reports on implementation of the Law on Corruption Prevention and Control in 2006. In their reports, several ministries and localities admitted that corruption and wastefulness have been occurring elsewhere under their management, but they failed to point out the areas involving the phenomena.

It was good news for the country if these reports reflected the truth. But in fact, corruption and wastefulness are national disasters. Perhaps during the implementation of these two laws, those ministries, sectors and localities did not create a healthy environment for everybody to speak frankly and disclose the truth openly, nor take effective measures to discover corrupt behaviour.

It is quite clear that such behaviour has become more sophisticated and corrupt officials are more skilful than before. However, it does not mean that we will have to buckle under this behaviour. The Party, State, National Assembly and people are making joint efforts to step up the fight against corruption and wastefulness. Therefore, the voice raised by people-elected deputies at this NA session is of special importance as it not only shows the legislature’s strong determination in the fight but also a practical act to build the healthy State apparatus for the sake of the interests of the country and people.


Song Thao

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