Americans anticipate 2nd presidential debate
VOV.VN - The 2nd debate between the two US presidential candidates will take place on October 10 at Washington University in Missouri.
Source: AP |
The New York Times recently published Donald Trump's 1995 Income Tax Records, in which Trump claimed a US$916 million loss.
Experts say the loss could have allowed him to legally avoid paying federal income taxes for up to 18 years. Mr. Trump declined to comment on the documents.
Instead, his campaign released a statement saying that Mr. Trump is a highly-skilled businessman who has a fiduciary responsibility to his business, his family, and his employees to pay no more tax than legally required.
Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton has criticized Mr. Trump’s reluctance to release his tax returns.
She said, “While millions of American families were working hard and paying their fair share, it seems that Trump was contributing nothing. The Donald Trump Foundation was recently asked to halt all fundraising activities after violating a state law that requires such charitable organizations to be registered with the state.
Hillary Clinton’s latest problem is a recording released to the Internet of her conversation with donors at a February fundraising event. Clinton described Bernie Sanders supporters as “children of the Great Recession" who are "living in their parents’ basement”.
On September 30, Mrs. Clinton’s health drew public attention when she could not stop coughing at a campaign event in Florida. Mr. Trump poked fun at her health, calling her a “disaster” and said she can't make it 15 feet to her car.
Mrs. Clinton was up slightly in the first major poll after the first debate. She has the support of much of the media including 80 major newspapers. Fewer newspapers back Mr. Trump.
The latest survey by CNN and ORC International shows Mrs. Clinton with 47% support and Trump with 42%. The election for the 45th President of the US will take place on November 8.