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Submitted by unname1 on Fri, 11/11/2011 - 16:17
The United Nations' cultural agency has suspended new programs in response to the US decision to cut off funding after UNESCO granted the Palestinians membership, the agency said on November 10.

UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova told the UNESCO General Conference in Paris the US cut had left a $65 million (41 million pound) hole in the agency's 2011 budget.

"We have to take radical steps and we have to take them now," Bokova told the conference in Paris on November 9, according to the text of her speech made public on November 10.

UNESCO, which promotes education and press freedom among other tasks, said it would put new commitments on hold between now and the end of December while it conducted a review of its activities to try and find savings.

A UNESCO spokesperson said priority programs would be maintained, and there were no plans for job losses at the organization for the time being.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization was plunged into financial chaos in October when Washington, which provides 22 percent of its funds, froze its contributions following the Palestinian vote.

US legislation prohibits funding for any UN agency that grants full membership to any group that is not internationally recognized as a state.


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