Vietnam – China border tourism booms

Tourism in Vietnam – China border areas has been thriving in recent months thanks to favourable visa policy and prices, said authorities in the Chinese region of Guangxi’s Dongxing city.

In the first half of 2017, passenger throughput posted at the Dongxing border gate hit 4.66 million people, up 41.48% from the same period last year and the highest figure ever recorded. 

Dongxing city borders Mong Cai city in Vietnam’s northern province of Quang Ninh.
The Dongxing mainland border crossing is the third biggest of its kind in China. It has offered visa processing services for foreigners since 2013.

Since November 2016, Mong Cai and Dongxing have piloted issuing permits for tourist cars from either side to cross the border.  Chinese authorities said they might allow cars from Quang Ninh’s Ha Long city to join the activity.
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