Hanoi has great potential in agricultural eco-tourism development

Besides cultural, historical and scenic tourism, Hanoi also has the advantage of agricultural eco-tourism. However, this model has not yet become a highlight of the Vietnam capital’s tourism.

The capital city has a lot of potential to develop eco-tourism, a type of tourism that attracts more visitors to nature and join the activities of indigenous communities, according to the government portal.

Hanoi’s suburbs have plenty of potential to design different tour packages related to farming and the city has planned to encourage suburban districts to develop their special tour offers for holidaymakers.

 For example, Hai Dang Experience Tourism Area, Yen My commune, Thanh Tri district, only 15 km from the center of Hanoi, is an attractive destination chosen by many tourists. On average, the establishment receives tens of thousands of visitors each year.

However, this model has not really become a highlight for the tourism of Vietnam’s capital city because of little promotion. Besides, many places do not receive active support from local and functional authorities.
For the development of this model, it requires, besides large stock of land and investment, keeping the living environment green, clean and beautiful.
According to Deputy Director of the Hanoi Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Ta Van Tuong, as this eco-agricultural tourism is a newly arising issue, the legal corridor for this activity is still incomplete to attract investment.
One of the bottlenecks is the licensing decentralization. The municipal People’s Committee only grants investment licenses for large-scale projects with land clearance, while the district only has the authority to give license to farms and households.
For large-scale projects invested by big enterprises, they must have endorsement from the Hanoi People’s Committee for licensing. Therefore, it is necessary to solve difficulties and create conditions for enterprises to invest in this field.
In addition, it is necessary to synchronously implement solutions such as planning and preserving traditional agricultural craft villages, building a set of standards on agricultural tourism products.
It can be seen that in order to develop agricultural eco-tourism, Hanoi needs to complete the tourism planning for each locality and strengthen the state management to implement the approved projects. 
In addition, Hanoi needs to build rural tourism models suitable for different localities such as farm models or village-scale tourism models so that visitors could spend longer time to participate in village activities with quality facilities.
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