Two animated films, "Loi hua Dien Bien” (The Promise of Dien Bien) and “Chiec xe tho Dien Bien” (The Dien Bien Cart), are currently in production to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory (May 7, 1954 - 2024), the Vietnam Animation Joint Stock Company has announced.
VOV.VN - Scholars looked at the historical value and the magnitude of the victory of the Dien Bien Phu campaign in northern Vietnam over French colonialism 70 years ago at a symposium held in Hanoi on March 27.
VOV.VN - A rehearsal was held on March 22 in Hanoi to prepare for a grand military parade which is scheduled to take place at Dien Bien province’s stadium on the morning of May 7 in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory.
A grand military parade will be held at Dien Bien province’s stadium on May 7 morning in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory, according to the Ministry of Defence.
The opening ceremony of the Visit Vietnam Year - Dien Bien and Ban (Bauhinia) Flower Festival 2024 took place in the northwestern province of Dien Bien on March 16 evening, drawing a large number of visitors.
VOV.VN - Final preparations have been made in the northwestern province of Dien Bien ahead of the opening ceremony of the Hoa Ban (Bauhinia) Festival and national tourism year 2024 which is scheduled to take place on March 16.
The Dien Bien Phu Victory had a strong impact on the struggle against colonialism of peoples around the world, according to General Secretary of the Brazil–Vietnam Friendship Association Pedro De Oliveira.
The French Defense Audiovisual Agency (ECPAD) has made public a photo book on the Dien Bien Phu campaign in Vietnam, including never-before-seen images, on the occasion of its 70th anniversary.
Exactly 70 years ago, on March 13, 1954, the Vietnamese revolutionary army launched the first attack against the French colonialists’ heavily fortified base of Dien Bien Phu, starting a 56-day historic campaign whose victory directly led to the signing of the Geneva Accords on ending the war and restoring peace in Indochina.
VOV.VN - The first-ever light show featuring a total of 200 drones will be held as a highlight of the opening ceremony of the Vietnam Tourism Year - Dien Bien 2024 and Ban (Bauhinia) Flower Festival in mid-March.