VOV.VN - Vietnam spent approximately US$378 million on importing 17,671 completely built-up (CBU) cars in February, up 44.5% in volume and 31.4% in value compared to January, with automobiles from Indonesia and Thailand dominating the local market.
VOV.VN - Vietnam spent approximately US$244 million on importing 12,500 completely-built automobiles (CBUs) throughout April, down 21.2% in volume and 26.1% in value compared to March, according to the General Department of Vietnam Customs.
VOV.VN - Vietnam imported 31,452 completely-built automobiles (CBUs) worth US$632 million in the first quarter of the year, down 24.1% in quantity and 31.7% in value compared to the same period last year, reported the General Statistics Office of Vietnam (GSO).
Vietnam imported 86,749 completely-built automobiles (CBUs) worth over US$2 billion in the first eight months of this year, down 9.8% in both quantity and value compared to the same period last year, according to the General Department of Vietnam Customs.
VOV.VN - The country spent a total of US$162.53 million on importing 7,789 completely built-up (CBU) cars of all kinds throughout the first 15 days of February, according to figures released by the General Department of Vietnam Customs.
VOV.VN - Vietnam has imported 163,333 completely built unit (CBU) cars valued at US$3.62 billion as of December 15, according to data compiled by the General Department of Vietnam Customs.
The import of automobiles increased dramatically in March, according to figures released by the General Department of Customs (GDC).
Vietnam imported 8,800 cars of various types worth US$202 million in August, a surge of 85.6% compared with the previous month, according to a report from the General Department of Customs.