VOV.VN - Vietnam exported two million tonnes of rubber worth US$3.4 billion in 2024, the highest-ever figure recorded, representing a fall of 6.2% in volume but an increase of 18.2% in value against the same period from 2023.
VOV.VN - Vietnam exported approximately 469,632 tonnes of rubber worth US$653.22 million during the past four months of the year, down 3.2% in volume and 23.7% in value compared the same period from last year.
VOV.VN - Vietnam exported around 210,000 tonnes of rubber worth US$320 million in August, up 6.9% in volume and 0.3% in value against the previous month.
VOV.VN - Vietnam raked in US$1.15 billion from exporting approximately 681,000 tonnes of rubber in the first half of the year, with China continuing to increase rubber imports from the country, according to the Import-Export Department under the Ministry of Industry and Trade.