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Submitted by unname1 on Wed, 11/02/2011 - 09:45
Syria says it has reached agreement with the Arab League on a plan to end its deadly crackdown against an anti-government uprising and begin a dialogue between President Bashar al-Assad and the opposition.

Syria's state-run news agency said an official announcement was expected to be delivered on November 2 at Arab League headquarters in Cairo. No other details were available.

Arab diplomats said their plan calls for the Syrian government to withdraw security forces from the streets, stop violence by pro-government forces against civilians and begin talks with the Syrian opposition in Cairo.

The 22-member Arab League sharpened its criticism of Syria after rights activists said Syrian security forces have shot and killed dozens of anti-government protesters.

The United Nations says the number of people killed in the seven-month-old uprising has surpassed 3,000. The Syrian government says terrorists have killed hundreds of security personnel recently.


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