Vietnam, Russia co-work to study Ho Chi Minh’s thought

More than 5,000 pages of document related to President Ho Chi Minh had been collected in Russia under a cooperation project to popularise the late President’s thought.

The work was carried out by the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics (HNAP) and the Saint Petersburg State University (SPSU)’s Ho Chi Minh Institute of Russia, announced a conference in Hanoi on December 10 to review the cooperative project.

The project aimed to study and collect documentations on President Ho Chi Minh during the time when he lived and worked in Russia, participants heard.

As part of the project, the two sides co-organised a scientific workshop in Saint Petersburg city on the occasion of the 125 th birthday of President Ho Chi Minh. The event contributed to strengthening traditional relations between Vietnam and Russia.

A room displaying photos, documents and objects featuring the President’s life and career was set up in SPSU, enabling its students’ research studies on the topic.

Documents on the Vietnamese leader collected in Russia will be useful for the two countries’ generations, especially young people, who are interested in enquiring about Ho Chi Minh thought, helping them get insights into Vietnam’s cultural values as well as time-honoured friendship between the two countries.

Within the framework of the project, HNAP also implemented scientific studies on Nguyen Ai Quoc’s activities in the Soviet Union from 1923-1938; the value of Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts and morality and the role played by the Vietnamese leader in laying the foundation for Vietnam-Russia friendship and comprehensive cooperation.

At the conference, representatives from the two academies discussed their future cooperation orientations.
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