Seminar reviews national report on UPR

(VOV) - A seminar on the second cycle of the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR), examining Vietnam’s national report, was held in Hanoi on August 6.

The seminar is part of consultations collecting opinions on the draft report before its submission to the UN Human Rights Council in January 2014.

Participants heard a summary of a report discussing Vietnam’s legal system, human rights policy, human rights education, and international human rights obligations.

The report argued Vietnam has focused on respecting, protecting, and promoting human rights and honouring its commitments.

After the first cycle of the UPR in 2009, Vietnam accepted 96 out of 123 resulting recommendations, demonstrating the country’s active involvement in international human rights dialogues and its efforts to solicit the perspectives of political, social, and professional organisations and citizens.

Vietnam regards the UPR as a good opportunity to review its achievements and define orientations for protecting human rights more effectively in the future.

UN Resident Coordinator in Vietnam Pratibha Mehta praised the Vietnamese Government’s work on human rights protection and promotion, especially through implementing the UPR’s recommendations six months before the national report is submitted to the UN Human Rights Council.

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