Ministry of Foreign Affairs seeks OVs' opinions on national development

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted a meeting in Hanoi on November 26 to seek overseas Vietnamese (OV)'s opinions about the results of the five-year implementation of the Politburo’s Directive No. 45/CT-TW and how to develop the country in the new context.

The event was attended by around 200 delegates, including a number of outstanding Vietnamese expats who are currently in Vietnam. It provided a platform for the community of overseas Vietnamese and governmental organizations to engage in dialogues and mobilize their strengths in developing the nation.

In his remarks at the meeting, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Dang Minh Khoi said after five years of implementing the directive, Vietnam has seen considerable progress in affairs regarding overseas Vietnamese.

There has been an increasing number of Vietnamese living overseas who have contributed greatly to the process of national development, he said.

Khoi noted that the Party and State respect and highly appreciate such valuable contributions and expect the overseas Vietnamese community will continue playing a part in developing the country.

He also outlined several shortcomings in the directive’s implementation, notably delays in the enforcement of a number of policies and legal provisions regarding overseas Vietnamese people, limitations in Vietnamese language courses and external information services, and non-diverse cultural programmes for these people.

The deputy minister called for concerted efforts from all Vietnamese people, including those living overseas, to seize opportunities and tackle challenges for the country to fulfill its development goals.

The Directive No. 45/CT-TW was issued by the Politburo in 2015 to enhance the implementation of its 2004 resolution on affairs related to overseas Vietnamese.

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