Ko Kret Universal design community model being adopted by various provinces

Various provinces in Thailand are adopting the "Ko Kret Universal Design Community Model” to promote social equality and provide opportunities for people with disabilities to have easy access to state services.

Minister of Social Development and Human Security Police General Adul Sangsingkeo stated that the Government attached great importance to the policy of upgrading the quality of life of the people, especially persons with disabilities, senior citizens, and the underprivileged. The policy will reduce social disparities, promote equality, and provide them with basic rights and greater opportunities.

In response to this policy, the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities joined hands with Nonthaburi province, Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Architecture, and disability-related organizations in launching a Universal Design Community Model project. Under this project, Ko Kret, a small island located in the Chao Phraya River, off Pak Kret district in Nonthaburi province, was selected as the model.

The project began in December 2014, when a budget was allocated to improve and modify various facilities to make travel easier for people with disabilities, as well as older persons, sick people, war veterans, children, and pregnant women. With facilities accessible to them, they will be able to carry out their various activities safely, without posing burdens to society and people around them.

In 2016, Nonthaburi province is expanding the number of areas with facilities and services that are accessible to all users, such as ramps and public toilets for people who travel on wheelchairs and those who require supporting equipment. Facilities and structures around the mass transit system have also been improved.

In order to make the Ko Kret Universal Design Community Model better known, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security on 26 May 2016 organized a grand opening ceremony in Ko Kret as a community model for all people. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo said that this model could be adopted by various communities both in Thailand and other ASEAN countries.

Ko Kret is close to Bangkok and local people travel mainly by boat. It is only some two kilometers long and one kilometer wide. There are seven villages, and the largest and most populous one is the Mon community. The surroundings of this picturesque island offer a chance to explore the culture of this ethnic group, which has been part of Thailand’s history for hundreds of years. Most of the Mon descendants are orchard growers and potters.

Ko Kret is one of the most famous tourism sites in Nonthaburi. Handcrafted pottery also makes a name for the community.

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