Kanchanaburi presents tourism to its border neighbor Dawei

The Governor of Thailand's Kanchanaburi province has led tourism business operators and state officials on a tour of tourism destinations in the province, as well as to see a program in support of tourism at its border with Dawei in Myanmar. 

From May 29 to 31, Kanchanaburi Governor Jirakriat Bhumisawad, Chairperson of the Kanchanaburi Red Cross Society, Rachaya Bhumisawad, Kanchanaburi Tourism and Sports Official, Janyarak Satitkij, Chairman of the Kanchanaburi Chamber of Commerce, Panya Wutiprajak, Governor of the Kanchanaburi Tourism Promotion Association, Songwut Sildanchan and Kanchanaburi Industry Federation President, Chalermchat Chan-in, led civil servants and tourism business operators to Dawei in Myanmar to take part in a tourism promotion project connecting the city to Kanchanaburi. 

The delegation was met at Hotel Dawei by Tanintharyi Governor Kaung San Oo, regional official Dr. Lai Lai Maw, Tanintharyi Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman Ye Htut Naing and Myanmar Tourism Association Chairperson Tint Tint Lwin. 

The project was inspired by Kanchanaburi’s realization of Dawei’s tourism potential and the value of the Special Economic Zone in Thailand’s west.

It is hoped that tourism to the city will spur trade and investment, as well as lead to cultural and other exchanges between Thailand and its neighbor. 

The event presented a range of tourism avenues, activities, goods and OTOP products from Kanchanaburi as well as cultural performances.

Participants were taken to visit tourism sites in both locations and briefed on their tourism policies, with Tint Tint Lwin speaking on investment in tourism in Dawei and David Gooi speaking on connecting Kanchanaburi and Dawei tourism. 

It is hoped the project will be the start of a tourism alliance between the two cities, which will enable them to work together better to attract visitors. 

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