Japanese professor named first Vietnam-Japan University rector

Phung Xuan Nha, Minister of Education and Training, on April 29 announced a decision appointing Japanese Prof. Dr. Furuta Motoo as the first rector of Vietnam-Japan University (VJU). 

Prof. Dr. Furuta Motoo is currently chairman of the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Association and the Japan Association for Vietnamese Studies.

This is first time Vietnam National University-Hanoi has appointed a foreigner as head of its member school. 

Minister Nha, who is also Director of Vietnam National University-Hanoi, also announced a decision recognising To Huy Rua, chairman of the Vietnam-Japan Friendship Association, as the honorary rector of the VJU. 

Associate Prof. Dr. Vu Anh Dung was appointed as vice rector of the VJU. 

Nha said the establishment of the VJU has been a long process with strong determination of high-ranking leaders of Vietnam and Japan and the intellectual contribution from experts and scientists of the two countries. 

He said he believes the VJU will develop to meet expectation from the two governments and peoples and the ministry will create all favourale conditions for the VJU in particular and Vietnam National University-Hanoi in general to implement its works. 

He hoped the Japanese Government, organisations and individuals would continue assisting the two education establishments to fulfil their set plans. 

Prof. Dr. Furuta Motoo expressed his honour at being appointed as the rector of the VJU, a symbol of the Vietnam-Japan friendship and solidarity. 

He said the VJU will be developed to become one of top universities meeting international standards and train students, both in social and natural sciences, able to meet the reality of Vietnam. 

The VJU was formed on July 21, 2014 under Decision No 1186/QD-TTg and is the seventh member school of Vietnam National University-Hanoi. 

The VJU will open six Master training courses in autumn of 2016, including nano technology, environmental engineering, infrastructure engineering, regional studies, public policy and business administration.

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Vietnam – Japan University to open first courses next year
Vietnam – Japan University to open first courses next year

The Vietnam – Japan University (VJU), said to be a symbol of the two countries’ cooperation, will offer the first training programmes in 2016. 

Vietnam – Japan University to open first courses next year

Vietnam – Japan University to open first courses next year

The Vietnam – Japan University (VJU), said to be a symbol of the two countries’ cooperation, will offer the first training programmes in 2016. 

Vietnam-Japan University to open in Sept
Vietnam-Japan University to open in Sept

VOV.VN - Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) President Nguyen Thien Nhan on March 7 hosted a reception in Hanoi for visiting Tsutomu Takebe, special advisor to the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentary Alliance.

Vietnam-Japan University to open in Sept

Vietnam-Japan University to open in Sept

VOV.VN - Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) President Nguyen Thien Nhan on March 7 hosted a reception in Hanoi for visiting Tsutomu Takebe, special advisor to the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentary Alliance.