Inspectors track down millions of missing dollars, collect fines

The Government Inspectorate said on April 15 that during the first quarter it uncovered violations involving more than VND3.5 trillion (US$162 million) and almost 60 hectares of land.

Inspectors called for VND1.99 trillion (US$92 million) and 54.9 hectares of land to be reclaimed, while requesting that authorised agencies deal with the remainder.

Inspectors also collected fines of VND138.3 billion ($6.3 million) for administrative violations, proposed administrative punishments for 130 collectives and 186 individuals, and transferred 20 cases and 31 people involved to investigation agencies.

During the review period, seven corruption cases involving nine people were detected. They involved a total of VND27.5 billion ($1.27 million). Inspectors proposed administrative punishments on nine individuals and penal punishments in six cases and on seven individuals.

State administrative agencies handled 6,299 complaints and denunciations, accounting for 55% of the filed cases, the report said.

In the second quarter, the Government Inspectorate will enhance unscheduled inspections, especially of heads of State managerial agencies over their implementation of legal regulations on inspections, settlements of complaints and denunciations and corruption prevention and combat, they said.

In the second quarter, the Inspectorate plans to hold nine inspections on the implementation of law enforcement and implementation of Government policies. This includes the Apparel and Textile Corporation (VINATEX), Vietnam National Coal and Mineral Industrial Group (VINACOMIN), the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Health, Hanoi People's Committees and the provinces of Vinh Phuc, Tien Giang, Ca Mau and Soc Trang. 

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