Dien Bien Phu victory films shown in Germany

(VOV) -A series of films on the Dien Bien Phu Victory and legendary General Vo Nguyen Giap was screened at the Vietnamese Embassy in Germany on May 6.

At the event, Ambassador Nguyen Thi Hoang Anh noted the films reflect the hard but glorious struggle of the Vietnamese people against foreign invaders and the courage and creativity of Vietnamese soldiers during the Dien Bien Phu campaign.

She underscored that Vietnam is passionate about the virtues of peace, freedom and justice. The country always wholeheartedly attempts to resolve disputes by peaceful measures in accordance with the United Nation Charter and international law.

However, if the country is invaded and its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity are violated, the nation and the people will defend themselves and resolutely protect their inherent legitimate rights and interests, she said.

On the occasion, two large German newspapers including Junge Welt (Young World) and Deutsche Welle (German Wave) published articles highlighting the great victory 60 years ago.

Under the title “Valmy Battle in Vietnam”, Junge Welt portrayed Dien Bien Phu victory as a milestone in the history of the Vietnamese military under the leadership of General Giap in the struggle against French colonialists.

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