Deputy PM meets Lao media chief

Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc received a delegation from the Lao News Agency KPL, led by its general director, Sounthone Khanthavong, in the capital city on October 28.

At the reception, the Deputy Prime Minister and concurrent head of the Vietnam-Laos Co-operation Sub-Committee said the effective collaboration between KPL and the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) had greatly contributed to the development of traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive co-operation between the two countries.

Phuc proposed that the two news agencies further promote bilateral co-operation and together, improve the quality of all forms of news, adding that his sub-committee would create all possible conditions for them to improve the capacity of their staff.

For his part, Khanthavong praised the joint efforts of VNA and KPL in implementing agreements and protocols signed by the two countries to enhance the effectiveness of information work.

He also expressed hopes of more co-operation and support from Vietnam in information exchange, human resources training and technology.

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