Close to 330 Vietnamese citizens flown home safely from Angola

VOV.VN - Nearly 330 Vietnamese citizens, including sick people, labourers with expired contracts and those in extremely disadvantaged circumstances were brought home from Angola on a flight conducted national flag carrier Vietnam Airlines on October 20.

The flight was arranged by Vietnamese authorities, the Embassy of Vietnam in Angola, Vietnam Airlines and relevant agencies of the host nation

The Vietnamese Embassy had sent staff to the airport to assist them with boarding procedures ahead of their departure.

The Vietnamese Embassy sent its staff to the airport to assist them with boarding procedures.

In-flight security and disease prevention measures were strictly carried out to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

All crew members and passengers underwent compulsory medical checkups and were placed into quarantine in line with regulations regarding COVID-19 prevention and control after they landed at Van Don Airport in the northeastern province of Quang Ninh.

More repatriation flights are set to be conducted to bring home Vietnamese citizens with disadvantaged circumstances, depending on their need, the epidemic containment situation and local quarantine capacity.

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