Can Tho University urged to enter top Asian rankings by 2020

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has assigned Can Tho University (CTU) the task of being named among the top universities in Asia by 2020, or by 2025 at the latest, and among the top 1,000 globally. 

Talking with CTU students and staff as part of his working trip to the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho on August 10, the PM hailed the university as a prestigious, quality education establishment, renowned both nationwide and across the Mekong Delta region.

He suggested that the CTU build an open environment to foster major academic ideas, research, and innovation, as well as hold annual forums on tertiary education for the region. 

The forums should attract not only representatives from regional universities, but also prestigious education experts abroad as strategic advisors, PM Phuc said.

The leader also expressed his wish that the CTU would bring forward ideas to realise the Government’s resolution on climate change response in the Mekong Delta.

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