ASEAN leaders visit Hua Takhe community

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration led a group of leaders of ASEAN capitals on a cultural tour to Hua Takhe community in Lard Krabang district and a 100-year-old canalside community’s way as part of an effort to create a ASEAN development network.

Following the 7th ASEAN Capitals Leaders Meeting on the strengthening of sustainable cooperation between ASEAN capitals, Wallop Suwandee, chairman of an advisory board to the Bangkok Governor, led the ASEAN capitals leaders on a cultural tour in viewing a demonstration of local wisdom and development of the community-based economy in relation to sustainable cultural tourism at Hua Takhe community in Lard Krabang district.

This community has been selected for its cooperation with public agencies and educational institutes and for the preservation of the community’s way of life over the last 100 years. The cultural tour was for the ASEAN capitals leaders to exchange knowledge and experiences in creating networks for community development.

Hua Takhe community is a popular canalside tourist spot. Over 400 tourists have visited it daily especially on weekends. It is another example of a community where the landscape, public health, quality of life, local economy and tourism have been continually developed.

The 7th ASEAN Capitals Leaders Meeting was held from June 26 to June 28. The next meeting will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam.

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