AAG backup system fails, leaving internet in crisis

VOV.VN - The management of the Asia-America Gateway (AAG) submarine internet cable has announced the system will experience slowdowns and intermittent international connectivity issues over the next few days.

Currently, AAG cable repair teams are frantically trying to repair the system and restore full service following the cables being damaged at approximately 6:36 pm on August 2 as the result of a storm, said the management.

Nguyen Hong Hai, deputy director of data communications at the Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT) in turn said that the breakdown will affect Internet connectivity principally among Vietnam, Hong Kong and the US.

He was not able to provide a timeframe for when the system would be back up and running smoothly.

Following the discovery of a cut cable off the coast of the southern city of Vung Tau at a depth of 19m the system reverted to a backup system that simply is not adequate to handle the volume of traffic, causing the crisis.

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