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Submitted by ctv_en_4 on Tue, 04/25/2006 - 18:50
The 10th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam successfully concluded in Hanoi on Tuesday after eight days of sitting, fulfilling its set agenda, said re-elected Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh at a press conference just after the congress concluded.

According to Mr Manh, the congress was a political event of great significance in the history of the CPV. It reviewed the implementation of the resolutions of the 9th National Party Congress between 2001-2006, the Doi Moi (Renewal) process, and drew lessons to perfect its guidelines, draw up tasks and objectives of socio-economic development, national security and defence and Party building work in the next five years. It also amended and supplemented some articles of the Party Statute and elected a new CPV Central Committee competent enough to successfully implement the congress’ resolutions.

Mr Manh stressed that the congress aims to enhance the CPV’s leadership role and combative spirit, promote the aggregate strength of the entire nation, accelerate the Renewal process comprehensively and pull Vietnam out of its underdeveloped status before 2010.

After the draft political report of the congress was made public for the last two years, the CPV received tens of thousands of heart-felt opinions from all parts of society, including ethnic and religious people and Vietnamese residing abroad.

“In the spirit of democracy, unity, intelligence and renewal, the congress fulfilled its set agenda, adopted key documents and elected a new CPV Central Committee comprising 160 
official and 21 alternate members,“ said Mr Manh. 

Anti-corruption fight needs a boost

Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh affirmed the strong resolve from the CPV Central Committee, the Political Bureau and the Secretariat, as well as the whole political system, to crack down on endemic corruption.

“Corruption is a pressing social issue and we are seeking to curb it, as well as other negative phenomena,” said Mr Manh. “The important thing now is to hammer out effective and consistent measures to strictly deal with violations in a lawful manner.”

Mr Manh also stressed the need to build and perfect the legal system to ensure there are no loopholes for opportunists to capitalise on. He also asked for closer co-ordination of media agencies in the fight against corruption, considering them “social inspectors and monitors”.

Mr Manh said during the congress, Party members discussed in-depth lessons drawn from the fight against corruption in recent times and mapped out orientations to crack down on the phenomenon in all areas in the coming time with strong determination. By doing so, Mr Manh said, “we will gradually curb negative phenomena from the grassroots level, every agency and everyone.

Renewing Party leadership

The Party General Secretary also stressed the need to renew the leadership of the Party to meet the requirements of development in the new situation. He said in the coming time, all political and State organisations and agencies will be restructured towards transparency, efficiency and practicality. Ranking officials of State agencies, who are either Party members or non-Party members, must be responsible for their assignments in the best way.

Mr Manh said this process will be carried out gradually and summed up periodically to avoid shortcomings and weaknesses. He said the process will help strengthen the leadership role of the Party and better promote the role of State agencies, the whole political system and the people’s rights.     

Press’ role hailed

The Party chief praised the press for its important role in disseminating the Party guidelines and State policies, promoting democracy and serving as a forum for people to show their feelings and aspirations. He noted that during the preparatory process of the congress, the press helped uncover and replicate exemplary models in all aspects of life, criticise negative phenomena, and encourage national patriotic emulation movements.

Mr Manh took the occasion to thank foreign media agencies for their outputs to introduce international friends to the Vietnamese land, people and culture, its socio-economic achievements and shortcomings in the Renewal process, as well as timely coverage of developments during the congress. He said he hopes that foreign media agencies will make further contributions to consolidating and developing the friendly and co-operative ties between Vietnamese people and people of other countries, for the common sake of peace, development, equality, democracy and social progress around the world.

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