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Submitted by ctv_en_5 on Tue, 12/22/2009 - 12:52
It is fair to say that Vietnam has fulfilled its mission as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) during the 2008-2009 term, leaving a good impression on many international friends. 

Vietnam is known as a peaceful and humanitarian country and a responsible member of the UN, which has contributed positively to resolving international issues at the UNSC.

A US-based Voice of Vietnam (VOV) correspondent has interviewed Ambassador Le Luong Minh, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN on Vietnam’s efforts to fulfill its duties and responsibilities.

Ambassador Minh: As a UN member, for the past two years with all the complicated developments in the world, the UNSC has taken on a large volume of work.

The UNSC had to find solutions to decade-old conflicts and conflict prone areas and decide on the activities of dozens of UN peace keeping missions including those operating in sensitive and difficult areas.

Vietnam has actively participated in the council’s affairs. We have left an image of Vietnam having a peace loving external relations policy, being a reliable member of the UNSC with a high sense of responsibility and a member that has made contributions to the council’s many peace keeping and international security missions.

We put forward a resolution to the UN in which the UNSC has, for first time, recognised women not only as victims but special victims in conflicts and post conflicts. I think that impressed many international friends.

Reporter: What are Vietnam’s guidelines for resolving issues in its capacity as a UNSC member? How successful has Vietnam been thanks to the guidelines?

Ambassador Minh: Vietnam has drew up five guidelines when engaging in the UNSC’s affairs and advocates settling conflicts and disputes through peaceful means while avoiding the use of sanctions, though they are allowed by the UNSC. This is one of our major guidelines for dealing with the UNSC’s affairs.

Vietnam always abides by International laws and the UN Charter with the fundamental principles of respecting sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations, non-interference in others’ internal affairs and disputes over sovereignty.

We always promote cooperation among UNSC members as well as between the UNSC and regional organisations.

Being involved in the UNSC’s affairs- the most important UN agency, we regard our country as a representative of Asia and other UN members and a means of collecting opinions on the UN’s operations.

Reporter: In addition to contributing to global security, what has Vietnam achieved as a non permanent member of the United Nations Security Council?

Ambassdor Minh: This is the first time Vietnam has undertaken this duty and the country has made a number of practical and effective contributions to resolving big and sensitive issues, thus the country’s prestige and positive has been improved. The international community has acknowledged Vietnam as a constructive member and high responsible. Relations between Vietnam and other UN member countries have been strengthened and Vietnam’s knowledge of regional and international issues have been enhanced.

Vietnam has trained a diplomatic corps with a lot of practical experience which are essential during the integration process.

Reporter: Vietnam has done a lot of work over the past two years, however, what lessons has the country learnt to be able to carry out this duty?

Ambassador Minh: Vietnam has been in the United Nations since 1977 and now 30 years later the country is an integral part of the UNSC’s activities. This is a new experience. For the past two years, the country has fulfilled its obligations and learnt a lot.

Reporter: What is your evaluation of the Vietnamese mission at the UNSC?

Ambassador Minh: The UNSC’s work is very complex, which put a lot pressure on the Vietnamese mission who had to grasp regional and international issues, especially those related to conflicts, and disputes.

Over the past two years, Vietnam has fulfilled its tasks thanks to qualified and experienced officials who are highly responsible and have done their utmost to further the UNSC’s work.

Reporter: Thank you very much.

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