Ukrainian veterans, RoK Ambassador welcomed in Hanoi

Minister of Defence General Phung Quang Thanh hosted a reception for Ukrainian veterans who assisted Vietnam during the war of resistance in Hanoi on November 27. 

General Thanh expressed his gratitude to Ukrainian people for their support for the Vietnamese people during the past struggle for national independence and liberation.

He spoke highly of the traditional friendship between Vietnam and Ukraine, proposing the veterans continue to share their valuable experience with Vietnamese officers with a view to promoting mutual understanding . 

Ukrainian veterans said they admired Vietnam for its nation-building and defence achievements. 

The visit was paid on the occasion of the 70 th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army. 

The same day, General Phung Quang Thanh also hosted a reception for the Republic of Korea (RoK)’s Ambassador to Vietnam Jun Dae Joo. 

The General said the strategic cooperation between the two countries has been sped up, notably in trade, politics and people-to-people exchange. 

He revealed that his Ministry will study cooperation with the RoK side in several defence industries. 

He expressed his hope that the Ambassador would serve as a bridge to further foster the cooperative ties, including that in defence. 

The diplomat stated that the Rok always treasures its strategic cooperation with Vietnam, giving the prime importance to the defence affiliation. 

He pledged to do his utmost to foster the ties during his mission in Vietnam.
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