State and Government leaders host top Bulgarian legislator

VOV.VN - President Vo Van Thuong and Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hosted separate receptions in Hanoi on January 8 for the visiting Speaker of the Bulgarian National Assembly, Rosen Dimitrov Jeliazkov.

At the meeting, the Vietnamese State leader extended a warm welcome to Speaker of the Bulgarian National Assembly Rosen Dimitrov Jeliazkov on his official visit to Vietnam at the outset of the new year, saying that the trip indicated the high level of political trust in the cooperative ties between the two countries

He expressed his confidence that the visit will add impetus to strengthening the Vietnam-Bulgaria traditional ties and mark a significant milestone for the beginning of celebrations for the 75th founding anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties in 2025, thus taking bilateral relations to new heights.

Jeliazkov, in turn, informed the host about his successful talks with Chairman of the Vietnamese NA Vuong Dinh Hue. He wished that the two sides would properly implement existing cooperation mechanisms, including meetings of the Vietnam-Bulgaria Inter-Governmental Committee.

Showing a desire for collaboration with Vietnam in trade, investment, national defence and security, he noted that the Bulgarian delegation had paid working trips to several Vietnamese localities and found out that there remains untapped potential of cooperation between the two countries’ localities, especially in economy and people-to-people exchanges.
He also welcomed Vietnam's initiative to send Vietnamese language teachers to Bulgaria.

The Speaker wished that Vietnam would serve as a bridge to facilitate cooperation between Bulgaria and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as well as between ASEAN and the European Union (EU).

In response, President Thuong affirmed that Vietnam always treasures its relationship with Bulgaria. He used this occasion to thank the European country for training thousands of Vietnamese students, experts and skilled workers in various fields; supporting Vietnam in the ratification of agreements with the EU, including the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement just before NA Chairman Hue’s visit to Bulgaria in September 2023; in multilateral and bilateral mechanisms; and in Vietnam’s bid for a seat at the UN Human Rights Council for the 2023-2025 tenure.

He wished that both sides would further enhance foreign political relations, including holding more regular exchanges of parliamentarians to share professional experience as well as locality-to-locality exchange activities.

The Vietnamese State leader proposed Jeliazkov and the Bulgarian NA continue offering favourable conditions for Vietnamese nationals living and working in the country. Additionally, he urged Bulgaria to back and push forward the European Commission (EC)’s removal of yellow card warning against Vietnam’s seafood products.

He also suggested continued collaboration and sharing of visions on global and regional issues, and urged the Bulgarian NA to support Vietnam and ASEAN's stance on settling disputes through peaceful means in line with international law, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS); ensuring security, safety and freedom of navigation and aviation; raising voices and calling on parties concerned to fully and seriously implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), negotiate and build a Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) that is practical, effective and in accordance with international law.

Host and guest consented to direct agencies of both countries to actively intensify bilateral cooperation activities, leading up to the 75th founding anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2025.

Meeting with the Bulgarian Speaker, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh expressed his belief that that the ongoing visit to Vietnam by Speaker of the Bulgarian National Assembly Rosen Dimitrov Jeliazkov will be a success, opening up a new chapter in the long-standing relations between the two countries.

Vietnam always values its fine, loyal, enduring friendship and multifaceted cooperation with Bulgaria and remembers the European country's valuable support during its struggle for national independence and reunification, as well as in the current process of national construction and development.

Vietnam regards Bulgaria as one of its key partners in Central and Eastern Europe, he said.

Jeliazkov, for his part, affirmed that his nation considers Vietnam one of its important partners in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Bulgaria aspires to bolster all-around cooperation with Vietnam to fully optimise their huge potential, he said.

Hailing the positive development in bilateral cooperation across multiple fields, PM Chinh and Bulgarian Speaker Rosen Dimitrov Jeliazkov agreed on the need to continue facilitating visits and meetings at all levels and via all channels, and effectively carrying out bilateral cooperation mechanisms and agreements.

Despite global economic downturn last year, two-way trade still exceeded USS$200 million but was still far below their full potential. Therefore, they shared a commitment to boost coordination, with the hope of attracting more Vietnamese and Bulgarian firms and investors to invest in each other's nation

Recognising complementary factors in the two economies, the Vietnamese Government chief proposed making economic cooperation a pillar of the bilateral ties with the goal of achieving USS$500 million in annual two-way trade soon.

Jeliazkov expressed his desire to reinforce relations in trade and investment, focusing on areas of the two nations' strengths such as high-tech agriculture, pharmaceuticals, information technology, tourism, culture, high-tech industries, and aviation.

On this occasion, PM Chinh asked Bulgaria to push forward the European Commission (EC)’s removal of yellow card warning against Vietnamese seafood products. He thanked the Bulgarian NA for its ratification of the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) and suggested Bulgaria incentivize other EU member states to approve so that it could be enforced soon.

He thanked Bulgaria for its assistance in training tens of thousands of Vietnamese officials, students and graduates, including many high-ranking Vietnamese leaders. He proposed both sides explore new potential for educational cooperation to attract their students and graduates to each other's educational establishments, particularly in the fields of their strengths.

Considering labour cooperation a traditional and highly promising area, the PM suggested the two governments promptly sign an agreement to make it easier for enterprises to carry out labour cooperation projects in Bulgaria, particularly in health care, construction, apparel and agriculture.

The guest said Bulgarian enterprises welcome skilled Vietnamese workers coming to work in the European nation.

PM Chinh thanked and suggested the Bulgarian Government and NA continue creating optimal conditions for Vietnamese citizens to live, work and study in the host country, thereby helping to uphold their role as a bridge between the two nations.

Regarding global and regional issues of shared concern, he suggested Bulgaria support ASEAN and Vietnam's stances on the East Sea issue, which includes ensuring safety and freedom of navigation and overflight, and peacefully settling disputes in accordance with international law, especially the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

He also affirmed Vietnam’s readiness to work as a gateway and a bridge for Bulgaria to deepen its cooperation with ASEAN.

On this occasion, PM Chinh respectfully requested the Speaker of the Bulgarian National Assembly to convey an invitation to visit Vietnam to Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov, thanked the Prime Minister of Bulgaria for inviting him to visit Bulgaria, and welcomed the Bulgarian President's plan for Vietnam visit.

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Legal basis added for Bulgaria to welcome Vietnamese workers

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Legal basis added for Bulgaria to welcome Vietnamese workers

Legal basis added for Bulgaria to welcome Vietnamese workers

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