President Ho Chi Minh’s testament, ideology last forever: US-based lawyer

The ideology of President Ho Chi Minh features profound content that could be summarised in the words of “independence, freedom, and happiness”, said US-based lawyer Trinh Quoc Thien.

Talking to the Vietnam News Agency on the occasion of 55 years of implementing the late leader’s testament, Thien, who has also researched Vietnam’s history for many years, said “independence, freedom, and happiness” are not only the wish of Ho Chi Minh but also his viewpoint on the nation’s right to independence and freedom, as well as the goal that the President, the Party, and the people of Vietnam stay steadfast in.

These values last forever for the Vietnamese, along with other peoples around the globe since people in every society aspire to eternal freedom and happiness, he noted, adding that the leader’s ideology also highlights the strength of national solidarity in regaining independence and freedom and driving off foreign invaders.

The lawyer emphasised that Ho Chi Minh’s ideology has stood side by side with the Vietnamese people throughout their pride-worthy struggles and will last forever. He also expressed his hope that the ideology will further reach experts and scholars in the US.

Meanwhile, Dang Thai Minh, Chief of the Office of the Vietnamese Business Association in Japan, underlined the late leader’s concept of “people”, which includes all the ethnic groups across Vietnam and overseas Vietnamese (OV).

She said OVs always stay united and assist one another to create strength to contribute to the Fatherland and support compatriots in the homeland.

Over the past years, the Party and State has given consistent attention to OVs, who have had opportunities to attend annual meaningful activities such as the conference of OVs, the commemoration of the Hung Kings, and the Homeland Spring. Young OVs have also gained a chance to take part in the summer camp in Vietnam. Besides, the State has paid heed to the maintenance of the Vietnamese language among young OVs in Japan as well as around the world.

Minh also thanked the Party, the State, and the State Committee for OV Affairs for encouraging and creating conditions for Vietnamese people’s businesses abroad to return to operate in the homeland and introduce Japanese partners to Vietnam, thus helping expand investment opportunities.

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