Party chief creates trust for Vietnamese people at home and abroad

VOV.VN - The Vietnamese community in France is always proud of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, a leader who devoted his entire life to the nation, its people, creating confidence for all citizens both at home and abroad, with the Party leader being a shining example for younger generations to follow.

For Vietnamese Ambassador to France Dinh Toan Thang,  Party General Secretary Trong represents a talented leader who left many strong imprints on the country’s relations with France.

Phone calls held between the Vietnamese Party leader and French President Emmanuel Macron, as well as other French leaders, created great leverage for diplomatic ties.

Upon hearing the news of General Secretary Trong's death, Ambassador Thang and all officials of Vietnamese representative agencies in France, the Vietnamese community in France, as well as French friends, could not hide their sadness at the loss.

“General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's death is a great loss for our country and our people. General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong was at the helm and directed our country and our people to overcome challenges and difficulties in recent times and win extremely great victories, both in terms of national development, as well as foreign front.

Before the demise of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, officials of Vietnamese representative agencies in France, as well as the overseas Vietnamese community in France and French friends, always keep in mind the Party chief's instructions on Vietnam-France relations.

That is to mobilize overseas Vietnamese and friends, to enlist active support in developing relations between the two countries, to serve national development,” Ambassador Thang shared.

For Can Van Kiet, former vice chairman of the Vietnamese Association in France, General Secretary Trong created trust for Vietnamese people located either at home or abroad. In particular, the anti-corruption campaign launched by the Vietnamese Party leader left a deep impression on overseas Vietnamese people.

The great achievements recorded in the campaign created profound motivation for overseas Vietnamese in France to continue to work with peace of mind about contributing to building and developing their home country.

Along with the anti-corruption campaign, the General Secretary's policy of "Bamboo Diplomacy” can also be viewed as being completely consistent with the country's development orientation, further contributing to bringing the nation to a new position on a par with the rest of the world.

“The bamboo diplomacy has brought Vietnam to the world level. Our country is now very admired globally as we have good relations with the US, China, Russia. In the ever-chaining world situation, all eyes are on Vietnam and everyone sees the correct direction of the Party and the State under the leadership of the General Secretary.

As an overseas Vietnamese, I am very proud to see Vietnam not only integrating into forums but also being respected by the world. Vietnam fights for righteousness, justice, equality and peace. The nation contributes to building a peaceful and war-free international community," Kiet emphasized.

Meritorious Artist Tang Thanh Son, deputy director in charge of the Vietnamese Cultural Center in France, stated that General Secretary Trong is a person of great personality who followed ideology, ethics, and the lifestyle of President Ho Chi Minh. The Vietnamese Party chief therefore served as a source of spiritual encouragement for the nation and a shining example for generations of Vietnamese people.

2018 represented a special milestone for the Vietnamese Cultural Center in France. It was an honour and pride to welcome General Secretary Trong who visited and met the Vietnamese community living, working, and studying in the European nation.

“The General Secretary's kind smile left in the hearts of overseas Vietnamese in particular and all of us at the Center that day, the deepest memory.  The Party chief spoke his heartfelt words in front of overseas Vietnamese as well as all Vietnamese agency officials in France. He wished that our people, although far away, are an inseparable part of the country and together try to preserve our roots and preserve the Vietnamese language to give the country the best things," Son recalled.

“Perhaps there are no words that can fully describe the feelings of the Vietnamese people in general and me in particular for our beloved leader, a Party General Secretary who had wholeheartedly devoted to the country and the people,” Son concluded.


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