Japan continues backing Vietnam’s reform: parliamentarian

Japan will continue its support for Vietnam’s Doi Moi (renovation) policy and its help for the country in human resources training and law making experience sharing. 

Chairman of the Committee on Rules and Administration of Japan’s House of Representative Ichiro Aisawa made the statement at a meeting with Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly’s Committee for Economic Affairs Nguyen Van Giau in Hanoi on February 6. 

He expressed his hope that the Vietnamese legislative body will create a favourable legal environment for Japanese investors to do effective business in the country. 

The host, in turn, expressed thanks for Japan for raising official development assistance (ODA) provision and investment in Vietnam, adding that he hopes both sides expand their economic ties, and intensify cultural exchange and technological transfer. 

The same day, the Japanese guest was welcomed by Chairman of the NA Committee for External Affairs Tran Van Hang, during which they discussed measures to further the bilateral comprehensive cooperation in all fields.

The Japanese guest also met Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam who voiced hope for Japan to receive more Vietnamese nurses in a move to bolster bilateral health care cooperation. 

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam welcomes Chairman of Japan’s Lower House Committee on Rules and Administration Ichiro Aisawa

Vietnam looks to solidify the extensive strategic partnership with Japan across trade, investment, health care and nursing, he told the guest, saying that it is one of the top priorities in the country’s diplomatic policy. 

Japan is currently among the leading investors and trade partners of Vietnam and the largest donor of official development assistance to Vietnam, he said. 

On behalf of the Vietnamese Government, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam offered condolences to Japan over the brutal killings of Japanese hostages by the self-claimed Islamic State. 

“Vietnam strongly condemns all brutal and inhumane actions against innocent civilians and supports efforts of the international community in fighting against terrorism in any form as well as extremist violence,” he said. 

The Chairman of Japan’s Lower House Committee on Rules and Administration said he hopes the Vietnamese Government will continue creating favourable conditions for Japanese firms operating in Vietnam. He also called for speeding up the implementation of the Vietnam – Japan Joint Initiative to Improve the Business Environment in Vietnam.

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