Foreign media spotlights Russian President Putin’s Vietnam visit

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s freshly-concluded state visit to Vietnam has grabbed the headlines of many foreign media outlets, including those in Russia.

Russia's TASS news agency has opened a special column that provides updates on Putin’s visit on June 19-20, with articles highlighting the time-tested relations between the two countries and their cooperation.

One of the articles said Vietnam and Russia have consolidated their comprehensive strategic partnership in the spirit of friendship and mutual support, citing the joint state issued on the occasion as saying that the relationship is to consolidate peace, stability and security in the Asia-Pacific and the world at large, and the two countries are striving to deepen their economic and trade ties while enhancing collaboration in other spheres like energy, digital technology, science-technology, education, culture and tourism.

The news site held that the visit will contribute to advancing the bilateral collaboration to a new height based on the previous cooperation foundation.

Japan’s Kyodo News said the trip marks the first state visit to Vietnam by the Russian leader since he came in November 2013, and aims to consolidate the traditional friendship between the two countries.

According to its article, Russia attaches importance to promoting dialogues with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to which Vietnam is an active, constructive member.

Nikkei Asia also gave a coverage of the visit, saying the two sides signed 11 cooperation documents in many fields.

The website said Putin’s Vietnam visit is to bolster relations with Southeast Asian nations, and the two countries have had diplomatic relations since 1950 – with this year marking 30 years of their Treaty on Principles of Friendly Relations (June 16, 1994 - 2024).

The UK’s Financial Times on June 20 mentioned Vietnam’s achievements in its bamboo diplomacy and cited Le Hong Hiep, a researcher at Singapore’s Iseas-Yusof Ishak Institute, as saying that hosting President Putin shows the balance and diversity of its foreign policy, which plays an important role in helping the Southeast Asian nation attract investment from different partners.

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President Putin's visit to Vietnam in Russian media spotlight
President Putin's visit to Vietnam in Russian media spotlight

VOV.VN - The Russian press has simultaneously reported on Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Vietnam over recent days.

President Putin's visit to Vietnam in Russian media spotlight

President Putin's visit to Vietnam in Russian media spotlight

VOV.VN - The Russian press has simultaneously reported on Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Vietnam over recent days.

President Putin supports Vietnam's proposal to soon implement major projects
President Putin supports Vietnam's proposal to soon implement major projects

VOV.VN - Russian President Putin has affirmed that this visit to Vietnam is viewed as an important opportunity for the two sides to exchange and agree on measures to beef up cooperation across a variety of areas, especially economics and trade, science and technology, and energy.

President Putin supports Vietnam's proposal to soon implement major projects

President Putin supports Vietnam's proposal to soon implement major projects

VOV.VN - Russian President Putin has affirmed that this visit to Vietnam is viewed as an important opportunity for the two sides to exchange and agree on measures to beef up cooperation across a variety of areas, especially economics and trade, science and technology, and energy.