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Submitted by nguyenlaithin on Mon, 11/29/2010 - 17:41
The online newspaper Eurasia Review last week printed an article entitled “Vietnam: An Asian Miracle?” to share ideas from experts in the University of Paris.

According to the article, since the early 1990s Vietnam has experienced a spectacular decrease in poverty.

The article revealed the percentage of the Vietnamese population living below the poverty line fell from 58 % in 1993 to 14.5% in 2008. According to the findings, 25 million people in Vietnam have thus emerged from poverty in 15 years.

Vietnam owes its people’s economic revitalization to the remarkable economic growth it has achieved over the past 20 years, one of the fastest in the world, the articles said. The country thus recently entered the sphere of emerging countries.

The experts said Vietnam’s success is due to firstly the Renewal (Doi Moi Progress) since the year 1986 which marked the country’s conversion to a particular alternative economic model, a “socialist-based market economy”.

Vietnam is now the world’s top exporter of both coffee and pepper and second among clothing exporters to the American market. The country now takes an active part in international bodies. In January 2007, the country became the 150th member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

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