PM assures RoK businesses of Vietnam’s effective COVID-19 measures

VOV.VN - The government of Vietnam is making every effort to soon bring the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak under control so as to create conditions for domestic and foreign businesses, including those from the Republic of Korea (RoK), to maintain their production and supply chains, says Prime Minister Ph

PM Chinh was speaking while receiving RoK ambassador to Vietnam Park Noh Wan and CEOs of RoK companies operating in Vietnam, in Hanoi on September 14.

He briefed his guests on COVID-19 prevention and control measures the government has adopted and implemented, which he said are proving effective, helping to curb the spread of the virus in many localities.

Vietnam is promoting vaccine diplomacy by making full use of all vaccine sources and transfer of technology to produce vaccines and drugs for COVID-19 treatment, he said.

Vietnam has reached agreements or signed contracts to secure more than 100 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines for inoculation. It has so far received approximately 35 million doses which have then been allocated to localities. , Localities are speeding up vaccination to increase the vaccination coverage and soon achieve herd immunity by early 2022.

The PM also assured his guests of Vietnam’s measures to maintain production and supply chains as well as circulation of goods. He reiterated the government’s stance of creating all favourable conditions for businesses to restore production but to ensure safety in pandemic prevention and control. Accordingly, he said the government is developing a scenario for socio-economic recovery to adapt to the new normal status.

Regarding easing restrictions on inter-provincial movement of workers, the PM said he has asked the Ministry of Health to outline guidelines on safe medical isolation for localities in order to facilitate workers; movement to and from other localities in September 2021.

Affirming that the COVID-19 fight cannot be successful without a helping hand from international friends, PM Chinh requested that RoK diplomatic missions and businesses in Vietnam continue to join hands with the government and people of Vietnam to win the pandemic and bring life and production to a new normal soon.

He thanked the RoK Government and people for sharing and supporting Vietnam in the fight against COVID-19. He highly appreciated RoK businesses standing side by side with Vietnam in the fight to help control the outbreak, maintain production, while continuing to expand investment in the country.

Vietnam always attaches great importance to the relations with the Republic of Korea and wishes to continue developing the Vietnam – RoK Comprehensive Partnership on the basis of mutual benefits, contributing to maintaining stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world at large, Chinh said. .

Representing the RoK Government, Ambassador Park welcomed the PM’s commitments and said his government and the RoK business community in Vietnam always accompany the Vietnamese Government in the COVID-19 fight as well as in economic recovery and development. He revealed that the RoK Government is considering providing Vietnam with more vaccines to help combat COVID-19 in the country.

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